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Autorenbild: Daniel BernhardDaniel Bernhard

I want powerful men around me.

Who find true power in the radical affirmation of their humanness.

Unafraid to embody their endless capacity to love. Knowing their limits by experience.

Power of the coming world.

Not a power-over to rule and control. But a roaring longing to serve the One Life on this planet.

Heroic in their willingness to be part of the world, to rely on others, to witness their brokenness and see the dark places within them.

With nothing to prove, no well-being to pretend, no functioning to perform.

Calm, decisive, clear. A reassuring look, while being taken by Life. Power.

I want men around me whose pounding fear brings them to their knees - and who are doing it anyways.

Whose rage over idle neglect and planetary destruction rips open the matrix. Men who fuck things up and take full, passionate responsibility.

Who know they will get aroused by going to shameful places.

Whose dcks, clts, npples get erect when they encounter truth.

Who offer spaces of relaxation and nourishment to each other. Who embrace competition as a path to mutual growth, not as an extinction race.

I want you around me, all of you: ball-bearers, pussy-gazers, menstruators. Musk-fetishists, satyrs, pans and potheads. Sweating devotees of Eros.

Whose desire can move mountains inside them. Whose mysticism consists in the full affirmation of reality. Who don't need an afterlife or other distractions to make sense of all this.

I want common men around me, regular guys: like pregnant trans men, like barbershop owners, like hulks and sissy boys, like tech nerds and craftsmen. Vikings and violinists.

Unapologetically unspectacular men. Fathers, repairers, caretakers. Builders, healers, dancers and crafters.

Earth-diggers with their noses covered in soil.

In awe by the feminine within and around them.

Unthreatened by queerness in others and themselves.

I know such men.

And I am nothing without them.

I am crazy in love with you, brothers.

I want you close and I want to learn how to trust you.

I want you to trust me.

Drop the masks. Leave the backrooms of false power. Leave the comfort of subcultural identity prisons. Come to the moss, the lightning, the waterfall instead.

This love can melt the system.



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