We are transmutable beings.
It's our nature to keep changing.
Constant death and rebirth –
this is where aliveness truly awaits us.
We as a species and as individuals are asked to metamorphose at a new level of speed and intensity these days.
How can we stay sane? Can we even thrive in catastrophic times like these?
A life of awe and wonder
still is our birthright.

The Earth keeps turning faster these days.
Crises multiply, fear of the future is everywhere and nothing is predictable anymore. Accelerating change makes many people feel paralyzed, pessimistic and numb.

Their bodies activate, their minds start imagining
the shapes of things to come
and rituals of grief to mourn what has been lost,
moving the energies stuck in speechlessness and overwhelm.

We create daily, with the stories we tell ourselves and others, with the sense that we make of things, the vibrational pictures we paint of reality, with the practical decisions we make. Call it magic or call it art – both are about the unlimited power of our imagination.
It's life-changing to start using this artistic imagination consciously.

It means to give oneself the permission to stay creative when you might be tempted to be paralyzed.
It's the powerful ability to source beauty and inspiration even from ruin and debris.
It includes voicing grief and despair, remembering what might have been lost.
Full expression, dancing with discomfort.
Diverting the force of tragedy into an energizing love song to reality.
Gaining back initiative by telling the story ourselves.
Gathering community around the fire to tell ancient lore and listen to visions of worlds to come.

On this course
you might experience:
Poetry Practice:
Weaving & Receiving
Word, Story and Song
Sensual Research:
Exploring Flow States
in Body & Mind
Guided Meditations,
Shapeshifting & Inner Alchemical Journeys
Artist Activation:
Unlocking Stuck
Creativity & Expression
Archetype Work:
Mythology as a Transformative Path
Community of Creators:
Sourcing inspiration & support from the broad field of participants
Concrete Magic & Ritual:
Becoming the Conscious
Creator of your life

We'll journey together for 6 Months,
October 30, 2022 to early May 2023,
because resilience is built over time.
12 Online Incubators called Sun Sessions every 2nd Sunday, late afternoon and 12 Physical Practices called Moon Sessions every 2nd Monday evening, alternating with the Sun Sessions.
Both will take place on Zoom.
You'll have unlimited access to the recordings during the time of the course.
Community Platform for exchange with fellow metamorphosists, exclusive content & homework
Additionally 5 Powerful Rituals to mark cardinal points on the Year Cycle: Samhain, Winter Solstice, Imbolc, Spring Equinox & Beltane,
because magic is applied poetry.
A preprint-copy of the book I am currently writing, "The 5 Elements of Creativity"
I want to move a lot of energy with this, so I decided to make this course as accessible as possible.
The fee for the complete course is
550 €
to be paid in advance.
Early Bird special:
440 €
for those who book until Equinox (Sept 22nd)
Payment Plans (instalments) are possible.
Let's discuss.
For those who want to dive deeper,
additional Intensives and One-on-One Meetings can be booked individually.
You want to know more?
Get more of a sense of what this is?
Book a free drop-in call with me now: